An Attempt at an Introduction

We're officially bloggers! Welcome to our site - thought it'd be a nice way to keep you all updated on our lives abroad. First stop -Australia! We can't wait til you come and visit and share in our adventures. Enjoy!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

happy birthday! (in australian)

Alexi!! We wanted to show you how special you are to us so we wrote and composed a masterpiece of lyrical pleasure and melodic hypnosis. Happy birthday!!....we wish you were here. Love Theresa Christina and Marko


  1. So sad...we made this AWESOME birthday video but it took WAY too long to upload for some reason, and I mean WAY too long!!! Like hours and hours and hours, so we just gave up. Sorry Alexi! Better luck next time! ;) We'll figure out a way to show it to you some way or another. :(

  2. Yay!!! We got the video up!!!! Check, check, check it out!!! ;)

  3. I love it! Thank you!
