An Attempt at an Introduction

We're officially bloggers! Welcome to our site - thought it'd be a nice way to keep you all updated on our lives abroad. First stop -Australia! We can't wait til you come and visit and share in our adventures. Enjoy!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Yes, we're still alive!!!

Sorry for the delayed posts!! Something known as "work" has been taking over our lives!! Bloody heck...if only we could change that. The lotto? Sugar daddies? (well, mama, for marko) Washing cars? So many options to consider. Anywho, we all have the weekend off so we're going to venture forth into the wild!! Well, outside Melbourne at least. The rental car has been booked (including GPS, which is essential. I feel like we need a make a sign and put it in the car to remind us that we're to drive on the opposite side of the road). Massages are booked. All is well! Pictures to follow...

Other than planning this trip, we've all pretty much been working and trying to stay warm and dry in the recent cruddy weather. Today was truly winter with the winds and rain kicking in. It took Xtina and I an hour trek to find the place we got mani/pedis at! I think we kept them open because when we were done, they closed. Haha. Life here has been good to us so far. Life updates: Marko found a place to live, bought a new stylish jacket and made chocolate mousse!! Xtina went to a "Christmas in June" dinner party, worked 7 days in a row (again) and became a regular at the local coffee shop across the street. Theresa ate lots of foods with pumpkin in it, got a stuffy nose and almost died swimming laps in the pool with a kickboard. It has been an adventure, surely.

We hope to share the experiences of our first weekend getaway soon!

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