An Attempt at an Introduction

We're officially bloggers! Welcome to our site - thought it'd be a nice way to keep you all updated on our lives abroad. First stop -Australia! We can't wait til you come and visit and share in our adventures. Enjoy!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Queen Victoria Market

Hot dang it's already the weekend again!! Time has been flying by, and this is the last free weekend before Xtina and I start working! And Marko has an interview with Costco on send him positive thoughts please :) Oh, and just as an FYI, we must post pictures of our uniforms. Just as a teaser...there was an option of choosing a skirt or a dress!

After many a missed opportunity, the three of us finally made it to the Queen Victoria Market. This is a famous open supermarket with an abundance of fresh produce, fresh eggs, fresh bread, live chickens, hot food, belts, shoes - the works!! And it's open everyday!

Observe the following pictures from that exciting trip to QVM. That's right, I abbreviated it...QVM.

And of course, last but not least...

1 comment:

  1. Is that for real? Camel? Kangaroo? Emu? Buffalo? Are you going to try any of them?
